High-level CLI for Git

Git Town solves the problem that using the Git CLI correctly is cumbersome and repetitive, and therefore many developers don't use Git to its full potential.

Git isn't just a version control system; it's a flexible framework for creating various version control workflows. This flexibility means that most of us end up using ad-hoc workflows, either in our heads or through custom Bash scripts tailored to our needs. These manual workflows often lack proper specifications and don't handle errors and edge cases well.

Git Town is a reusable implementation of Git workflows for common usage scenarios like contributing to a centralized code repository on platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or Gitea. Think of Git Town as your Bash scripts for Git, but fully engineered with rock-solid support for many use cases, edge cases, and error conditions.

With Git Town you can keep using Git the way you do now, but with extra commands to create various branch types, keep them in sync, compress, review, and ship them efficiently.


Git Town is compatible with most common branching models like GitHub Flow, Git Flow, GitLab Flow, trunk-based development and even committing straight into the main branch. Git Town has special support for mono-repos and stacked changes. See also this external review.

What our users say

Supercharge your workflow with Git by relying on this surprisingly powerful and quite useful plugin that provides you with a series of extra Git commands.

Softpedia article about Git Town