git town set-parent

git town set-parent [-v | --verbose]

The set-parent command changes the parent branch for the current branch. You select the new parent through a visual dialog. Updates associated proposals and removes commits from former parent branches.

Since set-parent changes commits, you are strongly advised to sync your branches before running this command.

After set-parent runs, the affected branches no longer contain changes made by their old parents. However, they don’t see the changes made by their new parent branches yet. Please run git town sync to pull in changes from the new parents.

To demonstrate how git town set-parent works, let’s say we have this branch hierarchy:

main \ feature-1 \ * feature-2

feature-1 is a child branch of main, and feature-2 is a child branch of feature-1. Assuming we are on feature-2, we can make feature-2 a child of main by running git town set-parent and selecting main in the dialog. We end up with this branch hierarchy:

main \ feature-1 \ * feature-2



The --verbose aka -v flag prints all Git commands run under the hood to determine the repository state.