
This page describes how to integrate Git Town into other applications.

Git Town GitHub Action

The Git Town GitHub Action appends a visual breadcrumb of the currently reviewed branch and its location in the its branch stack.

example branch stack created by the Git Town GitHub Action

Shell autocompletion

To have your shell auto-complete Git Town commands, set up shell autocompletion

Shell prompt

You can display a reminder for running git town continue to finish a pending Git Town command in your shell prompt. Here is how this could look like:


To add the above status indicator to your shell prompt in Bash, add something like this to your .bashrc file:

function git_town_status {
    local pending_gittown_command=$(git town status --pending)
    if [ -n "$pending_gittown_command" ]; then
      echo -e " \033[30;43m $pending_gittown_command \033[0m "

PS1='$(git_town_status)> '


For zsh, customize the ~/.zshrc file:

git_town_status() {
  local git_status
  git_status=$(git town status --pending)
  if [[ -n "$git_status" ]]; then
    echo "%K{yellow}%F{black} $git_status %f%k "

PROMPT='$(git_town_status)> '


To add this example to your Fish shell prompt, edit file ~/.config/fish/ and overwrite the fish_prompt function:

function fish_prompt
  set -f pending_gittown_command (git-town status --pending)
  if [ -n "$pending_gittown_command" ]
    set -f yellow_pending_gittown_command (set_color -b yellow)(set_color black)(echo " $pending_gittown_command ")(set_color normal)' '
    set -f yellow_pending_gittown_command ''
  printf '%s> ' $yellow_pending_gittown_command


Example lazygit configuration file to integrate Git Town:

  - key: 'Y'
    context: 'global'
    description: 'Git-Town sYnc'
    command: 'git-town sync --all'
    stream: true
    loadingText: 'Syncing'
  - key: 'U'
    context: 'global'
    description: 'Git-Town Undo (undo the last git-town command)'
    command: 'git-town undo'
    - type: 'confirm'
      title: 'Undo Last Command'
      body: 'Are you sure you want to Undo the last git-town command?'
    stream: true
    loadingText: 'Undoing Git-Town Command'
  - key: '!'
    context: 'global'
    description: 'Git-Town Repo (opens the repo link)'
    command: 'git-town repo'
    stream: true
    loadingText: 'Opening Repo Link'
  - key: 'a'
    context: 'localBranches'
    description: "Git-Town Append"
      - type: 'input'
        title: "Enter name of new child branch. Branches off of '{{.CheckedOutBranch.Name}}'"
        key: 'BranchName'
    command: 'git-town append {{.Form.BranchName}}'
    stream: true
    loadingText: 'Appending'
  - key: 'h'
    context: 'localBranches'
    description: 'Git-Town Hack (creates a new branch)'
      - type: 'input'
        title: "Enter name of new branch. Branches off of 'Main'"
        key: 'BranchName'
    command: 'git-town hack {{.Form.BranchName}}'
    stream: true
    loadingText: 'Hacking'
  - key: 'K'
    context: 'localBranches'
    description: 'Git-Town Delete (deletes the current feature branch and sYnc)'
    command: 'git-town delete'
    - type: 'confirm'
      title: 'Delete current feature branch'
      body: 'Are you sure you want to delete the current feature branch?'
    stream: true
    loadingText: 'Deleting Feature Branch'
  - key: 'p'
    context: 'localBranches'
    description: 'Git-Town Propose (creates a pull request)'
    command: 'git-town propose'
    stream: true
    loadingText: 'Creating pull request'
  - key: 'P'
    context: 'localBranches'
    description: "Git-Town Prepend (creates a branch between the curent branch and its parent)"
      - type: 'input'
        title: "Enter name of the for child branch between '{{.CheckedOutBranch.Name}}' and its parent"
        key: 'BranchName'
    command: 'git-town prepend {{.Form.BranchName}}'
    stream: true
    loadingText: 'Prepending'
  - key: 'S'
    context: 'localBranches'
    description: 'Git-Town Skip (skip branch with merge conflicts when syncing)'
    command: 'git-town skip'
    stream: true
    loadingText: 'Skiping'
  - key: 'G'
    context: 'files'
    description: 'Git-Town GO aka:continue (continue after resolving merge conflicts)'
    command: 'git-town continue'
    stream: true
    loadingText: 'Continuing'