
This setting defines the default branch type for Git Town when the branch type is unknown. It applies to branches not listed in main-branch, perennial-branches, contribution-branches, observed-branches, parked-branches, or prototype-branches.

Possible values are:

  • feature (default)
  • contribution
  • observed
  • parked
  • prototype

If you set this to anything other than feature, you must also configure the feature-regex setting. Otherwise, there will be no feature branches.

configuration via setup assistant

A great way to configure this setting is through the setup assistant.

configure in config file

In the config file, the default branch type is specified in the [branches] section:

default-type = "feature"

configure in Git metadata

You can manually configure the default branch type using Git metadata:

git config [--global] git-town.default-branch-type "feature"

The optional --global flag applies this setting to all Git repositories on your machine. Without it, the setting applies only to the current repository.